Mesallica – Julski Rock
17 Galatos Street, Auckland.
Sat, 02 Jul 8pm
Mesallica – Julski Rock
On line sales close at 7pm. Door sales avail from 8pm.
After the long wait – we’re finally going live again! It’s time to sing together once again and celebrate the return to normal. We’ve prepared a lot of new songs to go along some of the best favourites from before. The legendary Galatos bar is keenly awaiting to be packed out by us again and is guaranteeing great sound and atmosphere and for us all another chance to party all night to some great rock’n’roll.
The number of tickets is limited to 350, so you can secure yours online, but there will also be an option at the door if there are free spaces left, ($25 online and $30 at the door).
See you there and then! 

Nakon dugog iščekivanja – konačno opet svirka! Vreme je da najzad opet pevamo zajedno i proslavimo povratak u normalu. Spremili smo još novih pesama, a biće i najbolje stare. Legendarni Galatos bar željno čeka da ga napunimo po treći put i kao i obično garantuje sjajno ozvučenje i nezaboravnu atmosferu, a za nas još jednu šansu da se družimo celu noć uz dobar rokenrol.
Broj karata je ograničen na 350, tako da možete da svoje osigurate online, ali biće i opcija na vratima ako ostane slobodnih mesta, ($25 online i $30 na vratima).
Vidimo se tamo i tada! 
