17 Galatos Street, Auckland.
Sat, 10 Apr 8pm
On line sales close at 7pm. Door sales available tonight.
“Idemo opet! Nakon 6 meseci čekanja vreme je da opet svi zajedno napravimo još jedno nezaboravno veče druženja, pevanja i rokenrola. Prošli put smo napunili legendarni Galatos, ovaj put obećava da bude još bolji! Nismo mogli da sviramo usled restrikcija, ali smo mogli da vežbamo nov materijal, koji uz neke od starih favorita garantuje sjajan set i još bolji provod.
Kao i obično jedva čekamo da se opet vidimo!
Broj karata je ograničen na 350, tako da možete da svoje osigurate online, ali biće i opcija na vratima ako ostane slobodnih mesta, ($20 online i $25 na vratima).
Vidimo se tamo i tada!
Broj karata je ograničen na 350, tako da možete da svoje osigurate online, ali biće i opcija na vratima ako ostane slobodnih mesta, ($20 online i $25 na vratima).
Vidimo se tamo i tada!

Let’s do it again! After 6 months of waiting, it’s time for us all to make another unforgettable evening of partying, singing and rock and roll again. Last time we filled the legendary Galatos, this time it promises to be even better! We couldn’t play due to restrictions, but we could practice new material, which along with some of the old favourites, guarantees a great set and even better live experience.
As usual we can’t wait to see you again!
The number of tickets is limited to 350, so you can secure yours online, but there will also be an option at the door if there are free spaces left, ($20 online and $25 at the door).
See you there and then!
As usual we can’t wait to see you again!
The number of tickets is limited to 350, so you can secure yours online, but there will also be an option at the door if there are free spaces left, ($20 online and $25 at the door).
See you there and then!