
Mešallica predstavlja ‘D’ŽURKA’


17 Galatos Street, Auckland.
Sat, 13 Apr 8pm

Mešallica predstavlja ‘D’ŽURKA’

MEŠALLICA IS BACK, BABY! Pošto smo dobili mnoštvo komentara da je sve to što mi radimo mnogo lepo ali da bi trebali da sviramo ČEŠĆE, Mešallica je ispoštovala svoju raju i spremila još jednu žurku! Prošla svirka je otpočela leto uz ritam jak i trosatnim pevanjem iz svog grla, a nastavljamo kroz jesen sa pojačanim setom, opet prepunim legendarnih pesama iz zlatnog doba Yu-roka i još jednom prelepom noći druženja, plesa i pesme. Vidimo se uskoro još jednom u subotu 13. aprila u Galatosu, našem drugom domu 🤘❤️
MEŠALLICA IS BACK, BABY! Since we’ve received a lot of comments about how everything we do is very nice but that we should do it MORE OFTEN, Mešallica respected her fans and has prepared another party! The last concert started the summer off with a bang and three hours of belting out the classic Yugoslav rock bangers, and we continue through the autumn with an enhanced set, again full of legendary songs from the golden age of Yu-rock and another beautiful night of partying, dancing and singing. See you again on Saturday, 13th of April in Galatos, our second home 🤘❤️